Beryllium of Russia

December 14 at the site RTU MIREA passed round table "Beryllium of Russia", dedicated to the prospects for the development of Russian production of civil end products using beryllium-containing alloys, including for spring alloys, electrical contactors, non-sparking tools.

The event was organized Association of Producers and Consumers of Rare and Rare Earth Metalsc with the support of the mining division of the State Corporation "Rosatom" - JSC Atomredmetzoloto.

The moderator was Alexander Dyachenko, Head of the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements of RTU MIREA, Director for Science of United Uranium Enterprises LLC (subsidiary of JSC Atomredmetzoloto).

The main objectives of the round table were:
- systematization of areas of application of beryllium-containing alloys by domestic industries to create a product balance and identify potential consumers of beryllium-containing alloys;
- determination of the industry's interest in import substitution and the transition to domestic alloys, as well as the possibility of organizing the production of final products using non-sparking beryllium-doped electrical alloys.

The round table was opened with a welcoming speech by the Chairman of the Association of RM and REERuslan Dimukhamedov. He drew the participants' attention to the fact that the solutions found during the discussion on beryllium could be translated into other rare metal projects in the future.

Then Alexander Dyachenko made a presentation "The concept of creating a beryllium production in the Russian Federation", in which he considered the marketing of beryllium, the possibility of production and manufacture of end products.

At the end of the report, Alexander Dyachenko concluded that the only incentive for the production of beryllium products is the formation of consumption.

General Director of LLC "BerilliUM" Andrey Journalist read the report "Creating an innovative program to revive the beryllium market in the Russian Federation, with the initiation of all stages from ore mining to the production of finished products through demand stimulation." In his speech, the speaker noted that the implementation of state programs for the revival of beryllium production is difficult due to the lack of a real plan for the return of financial resources. To change the situation, you need:

  1. Implement the implementation of methods and algorithms for assessing and forecasting beryllium-containing products.
  2. Identify strategic enterprises that use other bronzes in final products and propose a plan for the formation of intersectoral cooperation as part of the implementation of the beryllium program.
  3. Initiate programs for the use of beryllium in manufacturing enterprises. Carry out a full-fledged analysis of purchased goods containing beryllium from abroad. Determine the list of key products, their number in the average annual volume and form production programs based on beryllium bronzes instead of similar ones.
  4. Compile and use the product balance taking into account domestic consumption and consumption of friendly countries of beryllium-containing products.

Also Vasily Ustinov, Senior Researcher, INP RAS, made a presentation "Approaches to the assessment of macroeconomic effects from the organization of the production of beryllium and beryllium-containing products in Russia", in which he proposed not only to calculate the hidden imports and consumption of beryllium in the Russian economy, but also to assess the macroeconomic effects of the organization of beryllium production.

Vasily Ustinov singled out the following tasks for analyzing the prospects for the development of mining, production and processing of beryllium in Russia:

  1. Assess the current and potential capacity of the domestic beryllium market, taking into account promising import substitution projects.
  2. Assess the direct, indirect and induced effects from the production of beryllium, from the release of final and intermediate products containing beryllium, and investments in fixed capital necessary for the development of relevant industries.
  3. Assess the parameters of budgetary support for projects related to the production of beryllium, as well as related investment projects.


At the end of the round table, a discussion was held on the development of beryllium production in Russia, during which the participants discussed the problematic issues of the beryllium field and agreed to jointly draw up a list of proposals for their subsequent submission to the Ministry of Industry and Trade.