About the Association
The Association of producers and consumers of rare metals and rare earth elements (Association of RM and REE) is a non-profit organization that brings together companies that mine and process rare and rare earth metals and products based on them, obtain materials for their extraction, manufacture equipment, companies that sell investment projects on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as scientific organizations that develop and implement new technologies.

Established in 2020, Association of RM and REE currently unites the following companies:
JSC Atomredmetzoloto, 
Solikamsk Magnesium Plant OJSC, TriArc Mining LLC, Skygrad Innovations LLC, CJSC Technoinvest Alliance, Rusredmet Group of Companies JSC, NPP Istok im. Shokin", JSC "Axion - Rare and Precious Metals", JSC "Uranium One Group", JSC "Arkmineral-Resource", LLC "BerilliUM", JSC "Chemical Metallurgical Plant", LLC "TD Halmek"Tomsk State University, Russian Chemical Technical University named after. Mendeleev, LLC "Rusatom MetalTech", LLC "Industrial Technologies for Metal Recycling", LLC "CREON ENERGY".

The task of the Association is to represent and protect the common interests of its members, as well as to support their activities in Russia in the interests of the effective development of the rare metal industry.
Performing, inter alia, the functions of the Competence Center for the product line "Rare and rare earth metals" of the roadmap for the development of the high-tech field "Technologies of new materials and substances" in the Russian Federation, the Association: 

  • ensures the coordination of the activities of specialized organizations and institutions involved in the rare metal industry;
  • supervises projects related to the creation, modernization or opening of production facilities;
  • accumulates information about products manufactured by RM and REE industry organizations, their characteristics and application possibilities; about existing needs and planned purchases of RM and REE and products based on them by potential consumers of various industries.
One of the important tasks of the Association is the formation of proposals for the creation of a supportive regulatory environment, measures of financial and non-financial support for the industry and sources of financial support, interaction with authorities at various levels and development institutions.
The activities of the Association are aimed at eliminating the main stop factors in the development of the domestic industry of rare and rare earth metals in order to give stability to the Russian economy.